Docker Compose Notes

less than 1 minute read

Docker-compose is a client for arranging docker resources.

Here are some notes:


  • This param define the compose run sequence, Not the build sequence
  • run sequence do not mean the ready sequence. Some image need 10+ or more seconds to be ready (like mysql, many engines need to run)

    Generally speaking, it’s almost useless


  • network’s aliases make alternativle hostnames which can be used in other containers that under same network
  • pid works like aliases, every service may define only one pid, so it’s not as good as aliases
  • network can use driver, it’s bind the basic networks which include host, bridge, none
  • networks driver’s behavior are different on different system, as docker runs under virtualbox on MAC or WIN
  • if the network want to bind and publish ports to the host network on MAC or WIN, you should use bridge. But use host on LINUX